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Retrieving a Consent Type Version

This guide explains how to retrieve details of a specific version of a consent type in your Consent Catalog using the GET /open-api/v1/consent-catalog/{consentCatalogId}/version/{versionEntry} endpoint.


Each consent type in your catalog can have multiple versions to reflect updates to policies, terms, or other consent-related changes. This endpoint allows you to fetch detailed information about a specific version of a consent type by specifying its unique consent type ID and the version entry ID.


GET /open-api/v1/consent-catalog/{consentCatalogId}/version/{versionEntry}


This endpoint allows you to retrieve the details of a specific version of a consent type by specifying both the consent type's unique ID (consentCatalogId) and the version's unique ID (versionEntry). This is useful for auditing, reviewing past changes, or displaying the correct version to users.

Request Structure



Replace {consentCatalogId} with the unique ID of the consent type and {versionEntry} with the ID of the specific version you want to retrieve.


X-API-KeyStringYesAPI Key for your account

Example Request

curl -X GET \

Example Response

"companyId": "b830b5fa-9180-4cb6-9f40-4cbe4729d0ac",
"consentCatalogId": "44499771-03fb-4f0c-8620-88f538385446",
"version": "1",
"type": "privacyPolicy",
"createdAt": 1622470423,
"description": "Initial version of the consent entry.",
"isUsed": true

Response Codes

  • 200 OK: The version details were successfully retrieved.
  • 400 Bad Request: Invalid or missing parameters.
  • 404 Not Found: The specified consent type or version was not found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: An unexpected error occurred.

Best Practices

  • Use this endpoint to audit changes in your consent types by examining specific versions.
  • Ensure the version information retrieved is accurate when displaying it to users or using it for compliance purposes.
  • Maintain detailed descriptions within each version to provide clear context on what has been updated and why.