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At illow you can generate a fully customizable consent banner, record user's privacy choices, and effortlessly manage all your compliance needs. Our platform is designed to handle Google's requirements and the complexities of all current and upcoming data-privacy regulations around the world.

Usually you'd do all of this at our Platform's UI. But what if you need to manage dozens, hundreds or even thousands of domains at the same time?

This is where our API kicks-in! With it, you can create, modify and delete Consent Banners for each of your domains programmatically, without the need of the SaaS UI.

Each domain will be scanned, its cookies and third-party tools will be categorized and you'll received a <script> tag associated to be placed in the HTML (preferably within the <head>) in order to show the corresponding Cookie Banner.

Script example
<script src="{yourSiteId}"></script>

To be able to use this API, first you will have to communicate with us via any channel, and we will provide you with an Access Key.

Basic integration flow

The most basic use case for the integration is creating a consent banner, adding it to the website and then receiving a visitor later. You can see a diagram of how this is done. Of course the integration must be done only once.

Basic integration flow